about juliette hough

Juliette Hough

Juliette Hough

I have twenty years’ experience of conducting research and evaluations with people experiencing social disadvantage, from homelessness and complex disadvantage, to health inequalities and mental health issues.

I research the ways that social disadvantage can be lessened, from collective empowerment, co-production and control, to innovative services, projects and policies, to systems change. I have an MSc in Social Research Methods.

I really care about conducting research that makes a difference, and aim to help ensure that people whose experiences are often unseen by those in positions of power get their voices heard and recognised.

I have worked as an independent researcher since 2014, conducting research for organisations including Brighter Futures, Brighton Housing Trust, Carers Trust Tyne and Wear, Changing Lives, Homeless Link, Housing Justice, NCVO, New Economics Foundation, People’s Health Trust and Shelter Manchester.

I led evaluations of three of the local National Lottery Community Fund funded Fulfilling Lives: multiple and complex needs projects, which aim to change systems for people with experience of homelessness, mental health issues, drug and alcohol issues, domestic abuse, and/or the criminal justice system.

I led a team of researchers at the New Economics Foundation, as an Associate Researcher, to conduct a large-scale mixed methods evaluation of People’s Health Trust’s national grants programme Local Conversations, which seeks to reduce health inequalities by facilitating collective control. 

Before this, I worked as a researcher for the New Economics Foundation, the homelessness charity Broadway (which has since merged with St Mungo’s), and Alcohol Concern.

I have presented my research at conferences and events run by Business in the Community, the Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, Changing Lives, Crisis, DrugScope, Homeless Link, Housing Justice, In Control, Inspiring Change Manchester, and to teams in local and national government.

Outside work, I enjoy walking in nature, and growing vegetables.