selected publications
Hough, J. (2024) Evaluation of Ways to Wellness Maternal Mental Health Services project. Ways to Wellness.
Hough, J. and Hughes, J. (2023) Evaluation of High Impact High Dependency Drinking project. Leeds City Council.
Hough, J. (2022) Relief Care Services During the Pandemic: The Value of Breaks from Caring and the Impact of the Loss of These Services. Carers Trust Tyne and Wear.
Hough, J. and Dowding, K. (2022) Could clinical supervision help us to support increasingly complex needs in the community? Voluntary Sector Review. Vol XX, No XX, 1-10.
Hough, J. (2022) Inspiring Change Manchester Systems Review: How ICM has influenced systems for people experiencing multiple disadvantage. Inspiring Change Manchester.
Hough, J. and Rice, B. (2021) A new season for night shelters: Research report. Housing Justice.
Hough, J. (2021) Self-harm Support and Recovery Service: One year review. Oct 2019 to Sept 2020. Brighter Futures.
Hough, J. (2020) The effectiveness of clinical supervision for workers supporting people experiencing multiple disadvantage. Fulfilling Lives South East.
Hough, J. (2020) Adopting a Critical Time Intervention model through Fulfilling Lives Newcastle Gateshead: An evaluation.
New Economics Foundation and People’s Health Trust (2019) Evaluating Local Conversations 2018: Supporting collective control to reduce health inequalities.
Hough, J. (2017) Empowerment for people with multiple and complex needs: What it means and how it can be measured. Fulfilling Lives South East.
Hough, J. (2017) Empowerment for people with multiple and complex needs: Evaluation of Fulfilling Lives South East.
Hough, J. (2017) Changing systems for people with multiple and complex needs: Evaluation of Fulfilling Lives Newcastle and Gateshead 2017. New Economics Foundation and Fulfilling Lives Newcastle and Gateshead.
New Economics Foundation and People’s Health Trust (2016) Evaluating Local Conversations 2016.
Hough, J. (2014) Changing systems for people with multiple needs: Learning from the literature. New Economics Foundation and Fulfilling Lives Newcastle and Gateshead.
Hough, J. and Lyall, S. (2014) Co-producing cardiovascular health in Wandsworth: an evaluation. New Economics Foundation.
Hough, J., Jones, J. and Rice, B. (2013) Keeping Work: Longitudinal qualitative research on homeless people’s experiences of starting and staying in work, Broadway and Business in the Community.
Hough, J., Jones, A., Lewis, H. (2011) No Second Night Out: An evaluation of the first six months of the project, Broadway, University of York and Crunch Consulting.
Hough, J. and Rice, B. (2011) Voices of Experience: how people who drink on the streets can make positive changes in their lives, Broadway.
Hough, J. (2011) Homeless women’s experiences of boredom in hostels. MSc dissertation.
Hough, J. and Rice, B. (2010) Providing personalised support to rough sleepers, Broadway and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Cebulla, A., Rice, B., Tomaszewski, W., Hough, J. (2009) Profiling London’s rough sleepers: A longitudinal analysis of CHAIN data, Broadway and National Centre for Social Research.
Hough, J. and Rice, B. (2008) A review of services for street-based sex working women in Lambeth. Broadway and the London Borough of Lambeth Supporting People and Drug and Alcohol teams.