current and recent research projects


long covid recovery

In-depth participatory, lived experience-led qualitative research for Calderdale Council and the Long Covid Support Group Calderdale into what we can learn about recovery from long covid from people who have fully or partially recovered.


street drinking

Evaluation of the High Impact High Dependency Drinking project funded by Leeds City Council, including the Touchstone Outreach and Prevention service.

High Impact High Dependency Drinking project evaluation

Summary report for drop-in attendees



Evaluation of a project testing four prototype link worker services in the North East and North Cumbria. I supported the project to learn and develop over 18 months. The project is delivered by Ways to Wellness with VCSE sector partners and funded by the North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care System. It aims to empower mothers and families to take control of their health and wellbeing, promote recovery, focus on ‘what matters to me’ and give time to take a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

Suite of end of project evaluation and learning reports

Interim maternal mental health services evaluation


unpaid carers and the covid-19 pandemic

Qualitative and quantitative research for Carers Trust Tyne and Wear about the value of breaks from caring during the covid-19 pandemic, and the impact of the loss of these services.

Relief care services during the pandemic


systems change for people experiencing multiple disadvantage

A review of the systems change element of the eight-year Inspiring Change Manchester programme, identifying systems changes influenced and making recommendations for a future system in Manchester.

Summary report

Full report

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winter Night shelters

Winter night shelter accommodation for people sleeping rough was very different in winter 2020/21, with covid-19 meaning that communal accommodation was no longer possible. This research for Housing Justice explored what was provided as an alternative to communal provision, how well it worked, and what can be learnt for future night shelter provision. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, in partnership with Becky Rice at br-research.

A New Season for Night Shelters research report

Presentation slides and audio

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Evaluation of the Brighter Futures Self-harm Support and Recovery service in Staffordshire, that supports people living with suicidal thoughts and self-harm. Including qualitative research, and assessment of estimated financial costs and benefits of the service.

Self-Harm Support and Recovery Service. Year One Review: Oct 2019 to Sept 2020.

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Qualitative research into the benefits of clinical supervision for support workers supporting people experiencing complex disadvantage, as part of a trauma-informed approach.

The effectiveness of clinical supervision for workers supporting people experiencing multiple disadvantage

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Evaluation of one of the first UK pilots of this innovative approach for people with multiple and complex needs, for Fulfilling Lives Newcastle Gateshead. Using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Critical Time Intervention FLNG evaluation report

Critical Time Intervention FLNG evaluation executive summary


complex disadvantage

Research and evaluation for BHT Fulfilling Lives in the South East of England

A highly participatory evaluation over three years, drawing on action research methodology, supporting self-appraisal, capturing emerging learning and informing the developing programme. Including research defining what empowerment means for people experiencing complex disadvantage and how to measure it. Supporting the programme to develop a theory of change. Methods include in-depth interviews, group discussions, participatory workshops, observations, surveys, and data analysis.

Theory of change

Empowerment research

Evaluation report

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systems change

Research and evaluation for Changing Lives Fulfilling Lives in Newcastle and Gateshead

Conducting a literature review into systems change for people with multiple and complex needs, and evaluating the first three years of the Fulfilling Lives project through interviews and workshops. As an associate of the New Economics Foundation.

Literature review

Evaluation report

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health inequalities and collective control

Research and evaluation of People’s Health Trust’s national Local Conversations grants programme

Supporting the Trust to develop a theory of change for their grant-making; overseeing a review of the literature into health inequalities and collective control; developing an action-oriented, participatory national evaluation framework; managing a team to conduct the evaluation. As an associate of the New Economics Foundation.

Summary evaluation report